Bike vs bus

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Love it, change it or leave it Joerg Hund Ann-Katrin Knobloch Royal Enfield Indien Taj Mahal Jaipur

Three o’clock. Middle of the night. I’m sneaking through our little room and hoping not to wake up Joerg. To keep the noise of the cars outside I closed the window, but that doesn’t help much. We are in India.

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Riding the tractor - a Royal Enfield story

buy a Royal Enfield in India

Actually I never wanted to go to India. Actually I really hate large crowds of people. India is actually not even on our route and actually things never turn out the way you expect them to. As we have spent a lot of time on the Balkans and got lost in Iran we had to figure out a plan for the winter. Spending wintertime in Mongolia and Siberia just didn’t seem to be the right option for us. So Ann-Katrin offered to buy an Enfield for me if we could go to India. As we were going to Nepal to do the Annapurna anyway ,this was actually a quite good option for us. To be honest: the conversation was done when the word Enfield was spoken.

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