We wanted to be back in Kirgizstan at the beginning of March. But plans always change. Due to the delay of our Russian visa we had one more week in Europe to spend. So, what to do?
We love boarding. It doesn’t matter if snowboarding, surfboarding or mountainboarding… We love the feeling. Unfortunately there was no more snow but it was too cold for the sea and too wet for
the mountains.
It was more or less exactly a half year ago when we told the social security system in germany that we are unemployed. For
all who think others have to work for us… We didn’t get one cent and it even was not our intension. The thing is that it was helpful to quit some insurances and so safe our Ansprüche we had at
the moment. Although it was strange to be there and explain why quit a good job while behind the wall is sitting Kevin* who lost his job the 5th time.
Seit einer Woche sind wir nun unterwegs und es hat sich praktisch nichts getan an unserem Alltag. Unsere Tage fangen um 7 an und hören weit nach 10 auf. Dazwischen liegen tonnenweise Aufgaben die noch erledigt werden müssen. Die einzig Spürbare Veränderung bisher ist der deutlich geringere Kaffeeverbrauch. Bis jetzt ist dieses Reiseleben also auch völlig anders als erwartet.
Nach dem wir dann also am Montag in Herxheim gestartet sind, waren wir praktisch Vollzeit damit beschäftigt uns zu ordnen und den LKW „zu optimieren“. Nach kurzen Zwischenstopps in Rastatt und Straßburg haben wir 2 Tage am Bodensee verbracht um meine Wasseranlage neu zu bauen. Direkt zum Auftakt hat sie Leck geschlagen und den Stauraum unterm Bett geflutet. Der Stellplatz dazu hätte optimaler nicht sein können. Kurz außerhalb von Friedrichshafen, ruhig und trocken, gelegen unter einer Brücke, nahe zum Baumarkt, Wifi in Laufdistanz und nette Schwaben in der Nähe. Nach dem überraschenden Vandalismus Schaden in Herxheim waren wir mal wieder begeistert von dem Land in dem wir aufgewachsen sind. Da kommt doch 3 Tage später dieser Unbekannte vorbei und bringt uns einfach so Brötchen und Bretzeln zum Frühstück! Wir waren so überrascht, dass wir weder nach seinem Namen gefragt haben, noch ein Foto mit ihm haben. Aber die Erinnerung an das Gute in Deutschland bleibt. Danke!
Actually I wanted to start our travel diary a little different but it always turns out different than you think. So this way I would like to thank germanies elite. Thanks you much you Alpha Kevins who broke into my truck and kicked off our headlight on the first day of our trip. Just try a little less next time. My friends Jimmy, Jacky und Johnny are going to hit you hard at one point of time.
Other than that we made it!!! We are on the road now for just about two days. We actually don't even know why it took us 2 days longer than planned but we just happy now. Clearing a house, a shop and a garden turns out to be quite a big deal. Plus we actually had two farwell parties with a total of way more than 100 guests. Without the great help of Turbo Torben, Kerstin and our Families it wouldn't have been possible. Thank you guys!
Time is flying! Our trips is coming up very soon. Exactly 99 days from now we want to start our journey. To this occasion we want to publish our page and the right away our first blog entry!
It’s getting serious now. We both informed our employers a couple of months ago. Joerg quits working in a few weeks. Soon we will be able to move into our truck and head off. In Germany we say “You should always stop when it’s best!” So shortly we will move out of our tiny house in Worms (Yes, it’s spelled like the game) into our even smaller new home. Anybody interested?
Unlike expected the past days and months were quite normal. A few business trips for Joerg and a revision for Ann-Katrin - business as usual! As we have planned this trip for quite some time we already went on a few trips with our truck. It has been working out good for us.
In April we had the chance to host the guys of Innkai. Thanks to the couchsurfing network they came to stay with us and even gave a private concert in our living room.